KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Sebastian Pereira Tunnels
can KTC allow make tunnels for ports forwarded using, for example, Putty?


Kroum Grigorov
No, tuneling is not supported in current KTS version.
Probably in one of the next versions.


Sebastian Pereira
Ok, thanks and sorry for my english.

do you know any another ssh server with tunneling function?


Kroum Grigorov
You can try these ssh daemons, I believe all of them have port forwarding.

[url=l0c41://]CopSSH[/url] - an OpenSSH port for Windows.
[url=l0c41://]SSHWindows[/url] - this one is another OpenSSH port, but rather old.
[url=l0c41://]FreeSSHD[/url] - free SSH daemon, but not open source.


Sebastian Pereira
Thank you very much.

NapoleonBC Updates?
I love the application, works excellent! Any word on getting tunneling to work. FreeSSHD will have nothing on you if you could get that up and working properly.

Also, maybe an option to select a type of encryption...AES, Blowfish, etc...


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