KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
I have to stop and start the server every day
Ti Delupo I have to stop and start the server every day
Hello Every one...we are using the KTS with our WMS.
We have people working at the warehouse using barcode readers, connected at the KTS. Every single day we have problems.
There is workers calling the IT Departament saying that the barcode reader can't connect anymore.
It come happening every day since the instalation of the server.
So what we have to do?
Connect on the server open the KTS Screen.
Stop the service and restart it again.
I have a few errors log

16456 :14692 2014- 8- 5 15:20:24 801 :10022: KPipe::~KPipe( ){
16456 :14692 2014- 8- 5 15:20:24 801 :10022: KPipe::Close( );{
16456 :14692 2014- 8- 5 15:20:24 801 : 0: }
16456 :14692 2014- 8- 5 15:20:24 801 : 0: }
16456 :14692 2014- 8- 5 15:20:24 801 : 0: }
16456 :14692 2014- 8- 5 15:20:24 801 :10022: KSocket::KSocket( -1 ){
16456 :14692 2014- 8- 5 15:20:24 801 : 0: }
16456 :14692 2014- 8- 5 15:20:24 801 :10022: KFlags::Disable( pipe_io_timeout ){
16456 :14692 2014- 8- 5 15:20:24 801 : 0: }
16456 :14692 2014- 8- 5 15:20:24 801 : 0: sock:err le = 10022

17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: }
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: }
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: }
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 2: KCommUtils::KCommUtils( sock ){
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: }
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 2: KCommUtils::Close( ){
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 2: KFlags::Enable( sock_io_timeout ){
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: }
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 2: KSocket::Close( 1 ){
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: EXCEPTION[ 3221225477 ]
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 2: KCommUtils::Close( ){
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 2: KFlags::Enable( sock_io_timeout ){
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: }
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 2: KSocket::Close( 1 ){
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: EXCEPTION[ 3221225477 ]
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: EXCEPTION[ 3221225477 ]
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: }
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: }
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: }
17740 :17808 2014- 8- 4 15:41:15 659 : 0: exception le = 183

4184 : 4480 2014- 7-28 8:15: 2 269 : 0: login accepted: [ col18 ]
4184 : 3228 2014- 7-28 8:15: 7 604 : 0: shell is dead
4184 : 3228 2014- 7-28 8:15: 8 618 : 0: shutdown
4184 : 4452 2014- 7-28 8:15: 8 618 : 0: session.exe end
1656 : 1672 2014- 7-28 8:15: 9 523 : 0: KTS connected to
5992 : 5848 2014- 7-28 8:15: 9 601 : 0: session.exe started
5992 : 5848 2014- 7-28 8:15: 9 694 : 0: connected to
5992 : 5080 2014- 7-28 8:15:29 834 : 0: login accepted: [ col18 ]
5992 : 760 2014- 7-28 8:15:34 951 : 0: shell is dead
5992 : 760 2014- 7-28 8:15:35 965 : 0: shutdown
5992 : 5160 2014- 7-28 8:15:35 965 : 0: session.exe end
3128 : 5656 2014- 7-28 8:15:36 823 : 0: shell is dead
1656 : 1672 2014- 7-28 8:15:36 854 : 0: KTS connected to
5660 : 5196 2014- 7-28 8:15:36 932 : 0: session.exe started
5660 : 5196 2014- 7-28 8:15:37 26 : 0: connected to
3128 : 5656 2014- 7-28 8:15:37 837 : 0: shutdown
3128 : 5260 2014- 7-28 8:15:38 321 : 0: session.exe end
1656 : 1672 2014- 7-28 8:15:39 226 : 0: KTS connected to
5348 : 5396 2014- 7-28 8:15:39 288 : 0: session.exe started
5348 : 5396 2014- 7-28 8:15:39 382 : 0: connected to
3712 : 4076 2014- 7-28 8:15:40 286 : 0: shell is dead
3712 : 4076 2014- 7-28 8:15:41 300 : 0: shutdown
3712 : 5444 2014- 7-28 8:15:41 300 : 0: session.exe end
4596 : 4912 2014- 7-28 8:15:42 502 : 0: login accepted: [ col7 ]
1656 : 1672 2014- 7-28 8:15:42 548 : 0: KTS connected to
3632 : 3116 2014- 7-28 8:15:42 626 : 0: session.exe started
3632 : 3116 2014- 7-28 8:15:42 720 : 0: connected to
4596 : 5036 2014- 7-28 8:15:47 541 : 0: shell is dead
4596 : 5036 2014- 7-28 8:15:48 555 : 0: shutdown
4596 : 5964 2014- 7-28 8:15:48 648 : 0: session.exe end

Does any one have idea about what is going on?

Thank you.

Hey this is the same use case I'm working on. How do you connect to your server? How do you connect your WMS to the Telnet server?



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