KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
shell is dead
Thomas shell is dead
I have a strange problem:

i have configured the telnet server to start a batch file (after a user logged in) with the standart option in the __shell.bat [if exist "scripts\%KTS_USER%.bat" call "scripts\%KTS_USER%.bat"]. It works for a few hours but then the following happens:

the telnet session closes imediatly after loggin in. The log file of KTS shows:

KTS connected to
term.exe started
connected to
login accepted: [ scanhzl01 ]
shell is dead
term.exe end
stopping service
stopping service
telnetd.exe started
starting service

only a reboot of the server can fix the problem...for the next few hours

Kroum Grigorov
Usually this error indicates that there's something preventing the shell process(cmd.exe) to start.

Are you using KTS intensively ? If so check if the system is not going low on resources (memory/handles/...)

Do you have antivirus/firewall installed? There are some smart antivirus/firewall applications that can decide that starting cmd.exe looks suspicious and prevent it from execution.

Can you try to restart KTS service only? Does this solve the problem or you need a server reboot?



-i have checked the sytem resources -> no porblem with that

-there was officescan by tren micro installed -> i uninstalled it but did not solve the problem

-the restart of the service does not help, ich have to reboot the complete server

what i did yesterday was to add some "net use" commands to disconnect and reconnect the network drive used by the user. That seems to work.

i found out that the userґs script is terminated because the network drive used in the script could not be found although it should be there...


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