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KTS error: client screen mismatch
Volker KTS error: client screen mismatch
trying to connect emits the following text:

KTS error: client screen mismatch

and hangs, several seconds later i have a prompt again. A connection is not possible. any hints?

Kroum Grigorov
This means that there's mismatch between the client and the server logical screen.
What client are you using to connect to KTS?


I connect from Solaris 10 telnet client inside a xterm.
It has worked several times before, but suddenly this message appears everytime i try to connect.

Kroum Grigorov
Try to change your clients screen size settings(width and height).
If your clients screen size is too large(say 300 x 300) the server would not be able to resize the host screen at that size and will give the "client screen mismatch" error.
The max server screen size depends on your servers screen resolution and is handled internaly by Windows.



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