KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Display problem on using telnet server
Simon Display problem on using telnet server

I use KTS telnet server in Window 2000 PC. I try to telnet into the Window PC in Unix machine.
However, some strange characters prompt out after telnet into PC.
But the display is normal when I try it in Window platform.



Could you advise how to remove the unwanted characters?


Kroum Grigorov
It looks like your Unix client does not understand telnet ESC sequences.
You might try to play with it's term type, try setting it to xterm or vt-100.
Anyway it's a shot in the dark, I'm not really a unix guy.



Thanks for your advice.
I think the software I am using in Unix does not know the telnet escape sequence.
I connect into Unix system through xterm. Next establish telnet connection directly. No problem happen then.
By the way, is there an option in the telnet server so that I can disable the escape sequence?

Kroum Grigorov
> By the way, is there an option in the telnet server so that I can disable the escape sequence?

No, you can't disable ESC sequences. These are essential for the export of windows console.



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