KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
reconnect issues
Bernd reconnect issues
disconnected sessions do not seem to work.

when i disconnect a session (just kill putty as a test) it's session remains visible in active sessions (status disconnected) . when i start a new session, it just opens a new one, from the same IP address. in many cases it seems as if the client tries to open its disconnected session, but fails doing so. meanwhile, you cannot do anything on a terminal

Directory of c:\KTS\KTS\log\active-sessions

03/14/2016 06:35 PM <DIR> .
03/14/2016 06:35 PM <DIR> ..
03/14/2016 06:35 PM 0 kts_10.201.40.86_51174_928_disconnected_prd_telnet@kts1-msm-be_2016-03-14 18h 34m 22s
03/14/2016 06:35 PM 0 kts_10.201.40.86_51176_2600_shell_prd_telnet@kts1-msm-be_2016-03-14 18h 35m 08s
4 File(s) 0 bytes
2 Dir(s) 26,820,128,768 bytes free

kts.ini (removed all comments and regkey)
registration_key =<cut>

use_ssh =0
port =23
ip =""

service_name =KpyM Telnet SSH Server v1.19c
service_info =Free open source TELNET-SSH server for Windows.

trace_level =10
log_file ="%KTS_HOME%\log\kts-log.txt"
trace_file =
error_file ="%KTS_HOME%\log\kts-daemon.?pid.err"

max_sessions = 255

kex_algo_list = "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1,diffie-hellman-group1-sha1"
encr_algo_list = "3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,cast128-cbc,idea-cbc,arcfour"
mac_algo_list = "hmac-sha1,hmac-md5"

max_portforward_channels = 15

sftp_root = "%USERPROFILE%"

sftp_init = "%COMSPEC% /C "scripts\sftp_init.bat""

allow_disconnected_sessions =1

auto_reconnect_session = 1

pipe_mode = 0

rsakey_file ="%KTS_HOME%\"
key_init ="%KTS_HOME%\utf-8.ini"
telnet_init ="%KTS_HOME%\telnet.ini"
auto_logon_init ="%KTS_HOME%\auto_logon.ini"
publickey_logon_init ="%KTS_HOME%\publickey_logon.ini"
active_sessions_dir ="%KTS_HOME%\log\active-sessions"
subsystems_dir ="%KTS_HOME%\subsystems"

ban_max_connections =0
ban_ip_directory ="%KTS_HOME%\log\ip-ban"

welcome_message = "\n ================================================================\n KpyM TELNET/SSH Server v%KTS_VERSION%\n l0c41://\n Copyright (c) 2002-2011, Kroum Grigorov\n All rights reserved.\n ================================================================\n\n"

login_message = "\nlogin: "
pass_message = "\npassword: "
pass_timeout_message = "\npassword timeout"
idle_timeout_message = "\nidle timeout"
service_stopped_message = "\nservice stopped"
login_successfull_message = "\n\n"
shell_dead_message = "\nlogout\n"

shell_command = "%COMSPEC% /K "scripts\__shell.bat""

default_user = ""
default_pass = ""
default_domain = ""

trace_level =10
log_file ="%KTS_HOME%\log\kts-log.txt"
trace_file =
error_file ="%KTS_HOME%\log\kts-term.?pid.err"

pass_timeout = 30
idle_timeout = 28800
io_timeout = 30
max_login_attempts = 3

net_check_delay = 300

refresh_delay = 100
health_monitor_timeout = 1000

first_packet_timeout = 50

screen_width = 80
screen_height = 24
buff_height = 300

dumb_client = 1

send_key_delay = 50

send_same_key_delay = 100

server: windoes 2012 64 bit

... however most of the time, the client succeeds in getting its disconnected session, but it takes some time to complete. meanwhile, you cannot do anything on the terminal...

in some occasions, an error occures:

2600 : 2832 2016- 3-14 18:35: 9 351 : 0: }

2600 : 2832 2016- 3-14 18:35: 9 351 : 0: KConsole::Write( string[
] ){

2600 : 2832 2016- 3-14 18:35: 9 351 : 0: KConsole::GetOutputHandle( );{

2600 : 2832 2016- 3-14 18:35: 9 351 : 0: }

2600 : 2832 2016- 3-14 18:35: 9 351 : 0: }

2600 : 2832 2016- 3-14 18:35: 9 351 : 0: KSessionState::ChooseDisconnectedSession( ){

2600 : 2832 2016- 3-14 18:35: 9 351 : 0: KSessionState::FindDisconnectedSessions( prd_telnet@kts1-msm-be ){

2600 : 2832 2016- 3-14 18:35: 9 351 : 0: }

2600 : 2832 2016- 3-14 18:35: 9 351 : 18: KSESSION_STATE::FromString( ){

2600 : 2832 2016- 3-14 18:35: 9 351 : 0: wrong seps number le = 18

... when i tick "disconnect session" on the handheld terminal, and reconnect, it will always create a new session. the log will show

1204 : 1260 2016- 3-14 18:56:38 282 : 0: KTS connected to

148 : 2156 2016- 3-14 18:56:38 345 : 0: session.exe started

148 : 2156 2016- 3-14 18:56:38 439 : 0: connected to

148 : 3452 2016- 3-14 18:56:39 532 : 0: auto login found: [ / SCAN_bekarton2@ ]

148 : 3452 2016- 3-14 18:56:39 548 : 0: login accepted: [ scan_bekarton2 ]

1204 : 1260 2016- 3-14 18:57:49 298 : 0: KTS connected to

1748 : 3040 2016- 3-14 18:57:49 345 : 0: session.exe started

1748 : 3040 2016- 3-14 18:57:49 454 : 0: connected to

1748 : 2612 2016- 3-14 18:57:50 548 : 0: auto login found: [ / SCAN_bekarton2@ ]

1748 : 2612 2016- 3-14 18:57:50 548 : 0: login accepted: [ scan_bekarton2 ]

1748 : 3660 2016- 3-14 18:59: 2 485 : 0: disconnected

1204 : 1260 2016- 3-14 18:59:26 282 : 0: KTS connected to

1728 : 692 2016- 3-14 18:59:26 329 : 0: session.exe started

1728 : 692 2016- 3-14 18:59:26 438 : 0: connected to

1728 : 2128 2016- 3-14 18:59:27 547 : 0: auto login found: [ / SCAN_bekarton2@ ]

1728 : 2128 2016- 3-14 18:59:27 547 : 0: login accepted: [ scan_bekarton2 ]

1728 : 2128 2016- 3-14 18:59:27 563 : 0: wrong seps number

1728 : 112 2016- 3-14 18:59:38 516 : 0: disconnected

1204 : 1260 2016- 3-14 18:59:45 766 : 0: KTS connected to

1544 : 860 2016- 3-14 18:59:45 813 : 0: session.exe started

1544 : 860 2016- 3-14 18:59:45 922 : 0: connected to

1544 : 3180 2016- 3-14 18:59:47 32 : 0: auto login found: [ / SCAN_bekarton2@ ]

1544 : 3180 2016- 3-14 18:59:47 32 : 0: login accepted: [ scan_bekarton2 ]

1544 : 3180 2016- 3-14 18:59:47 47 : 0: wrong seps number

1544 : 3180 2016- 3-14 18:59:47 47 : 0: wrong seps number


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