KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
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Justin Allen |
key |
Aug 09 2006 00:13 |
I want to login to the ssh server without being prompted for a password, like I do on my Solaris machine by creating a key. Is this possible to do. I have a cron job that runs every night when my store closes that shuts down all the Unix machines and I would like it to work for the Windows boxes also. Then in the mourning the server sends WOL packets to turn them all back on.
Kroum Grigorov |
Aug 09 2006 06:55 |
No, the only way to login KTS is by typing your username/password.
Key authentication is not supported.
One possible solution is to find ssh client that can store your username/password and login automatically.
If you use KTS to shutdown your Win boxes only, you might look at [url=l0c41://]Systeminternals tool[/url], too.
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