KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
publickey auth fails
Ryan publickey auth fails
I've added the following line to the end of publickey_logon.ini

;user #2
publickey2 =AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAqA24/73EOoFXfDmAG1Y+52/53n5ZZSCmbVG0IAqBHAFTF1k4P2WRm1mqiLHcYKZJZ...xTHnm7jIpG4WtsPDaaB7UsBk+/jpUxNVXcQhPXgh/JD/k2s2CUWxCE5rqvPCMmnVYsqGLGvuq1vQA8x1fykMVWL1ORa3rCOmH+qFlQ7Vx8m9nORNoxX73LJjnLsApATuOwDeaG2Ifq280zlJg/j/n9DChiJ5m2zNKoyofzGX8yfcg7hu/CxHtBv5EFLZkv6N2XirWOW6w==
username2 =s-sftp
password2 =99$%^vy43BSRqqkkk

but when I try to connect via sftp I'm prompted for a password and the following is logged.

7428 : 7328 2013-11- 8 15: 1:37 717 : 0: connected to

7428 : 7328 2013-11- 8 15: 1:37 717 : 0: ssh initialized

7428 : 7328 2013-11- 8 15: 1:38 388 : 0: doing publickey authentication - unknown publickey

7428 : 7328 2013-11- 8 15: 1:38 419 : 0: login refused: [ s-sftp ] - Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

7428 : 7328 2013-11- 8 15: 1:39 776 : 0: login refused: [ s-sftp ] - Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

7428 : 7328 2013-11- 8 15: 1:40 104 : 0: login refused: [ s-sftp ] - Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

7428 : 7328 2013-11- 8 15: 1:40 104 : 0: max login attempt

Do I need to make a change somewhere to allow publickey authentication?


Based on your use of “publickey2” here, I am going to guess that you have left “publickey0” and “publickey1” unset. When I make a “publickey1” entry with no “publickey0” entry, it seems that kpym does not see the “publickey1” entry. I am going to guess that the server basically checks if the .ini has “publickey0”, “publickey1”, and so on but *stops* when it encounters the first non-existent .ini key.

Please try again after ensuring that publickey0 and publickey1 are defined—or if you only have one publickey entry, just name it publickey0 instead of publickey2.

Although I am not OP, I can verify that binki's fix did work for me as I had the same scenario described by OP.


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