KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
SSH Authentication is slow
Mike SSH Authentication is slow
Hi I was wondering if there is a way to speed up the SSH password authentication process. Currently, it takes 3+ seconds to authenticate. If I'm connecting multiple times to just run a basic script, this is a hassle.

Based on the log file, it looks like the authentication itself is fast, but possibly starting the shell is for some reason slow?

Below is the log, Notice the 3 second delay after the authentication and before the connection being closed. All I ran was an ipconfig command that takes less than a second to run.

188 : 852 2013-11- 7 9:34:10 806 : 0: KTS connected to

5184 : 2392 2013-11- 7 9:34:11 275 : 0: session.exe started

5184 : 2392 2013-11- 7 9:34:11 415 : 0: connected to

5184 : 2392 2013-11- 7 9:34:11 431 : 0: ssh initialized

5184 : 2392 2013-11- 7 9:34:11 946 : 0: login accepted: [ ]

5184 : 2392 2013-11- 7 9:34:16 678 : 0: ssh info: WSAECONNRESET: Connection was reset by the remote host executing a close

5184 : 2392 2013-11- 7 9:34:16 678 : 0: shutdown session

5184 : 1836 2013-11- 7 9:34:16 694 : 0: session.exe end

Ok I figured out which line of code it's slow on. For some reason, the ReadFirstPacket function takes most of the time of the 3 seconds. Is there a way to speed that up?

Narrowed it down a little more to the cryptPopData call inside the comm.Receive function. Any reason why this would be slow?


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