KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
I can not log on!
JohnHors I can not log on!
When i try to connect i have this problem:

1564 : 1356 2012- 3-14 11:11:19 512 : 0: KTS connected to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:55526

3192 : 7436 2012- 3-14 11:11:19 765 : 0: session.exe started

3192 : 7436 2012- 3-14 11:11:19 801 : 0: connected to

3192 : 7508 2012- 3-14 11:11:46 769 : 0: login refused: [ user0 ] - Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

3192 : 5972 2012- 3-14 11:11:51 782 : 0: password timeout

3192 : 5972 2012- 3-14 11:11:52 783 : 0: shutdown

1564 : 1356 2012- 3-14 11:12:40 16 : 0: KTS connected to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:55831

7304 : 7896 2012- 3-14 11:12:40 257 : 0: session.exe started

7304 : 7896 2012- 3-14 11:12:40 297 : 0: connected to

7304 : 7916 2012- 3-14 11:12:57 542 : 0: login refused: [ user0 ] - Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

7304 : 7920 2012- 3-14 11:13:13 295 : 0: password timeout

7304 : 7916 2012- 3-14 11:13:13 402 : 0: login refused: [ user1 ] - Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password

Any ideas what to do here?
Should i change ip address?
It's a possibility that i have wrong log in name and password. Can you tell me when to find the correct, if this is the problem?

7304 : 7920 2012- 3-14 11:13:14 296 : 0: shutdown

SK Singh

I am also getting the similar issue

If you are logging through with a domain account, I would configure

[KSession]default_domain (with the domain you have logon to, during the installation of KpyM.)

Then just logon without specifying DOMAIN\user format which in many clients such as putty and psftp- is not support.

psftp user1@yourServername or IP

psftp Domain\user1@yourServername

So I just ran into an issue with "Access Denied" myself. To resolve the issue, I did 2 things. Wish I had done one before the other but I done them both at the same time. At the moment, I'm not sure which one resolved the issue.

1. Reboot the machine where KpyM is installed
2. Go to install_dir of KpyM, reset permission from windows security "Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object"

A third option which I done later after I resolve the "denied access". I enter the fully qualify domain name to [KSession]default_domain


Instead of simply: FOO

Where you normally logon as FOO\username


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