KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
can't read login
Pavan can't read login
I have Kpym 1.19 a installed on my ftp server. When i try to connect from my java application using JScape library i am getting Socket closed exception. I see below lines in the KTS.log:

2280 : 2884 2011- 7-21 15:31:37 147 : 0: KTS connected to

3500 : 5852 2011- 7-21 15:31:37 194 : 0: session.exe started

3500 : 5852 2011- 7-21 15:31:37 288 : 0: connected to

3500 : 5852 2011- 7-21 15:31:37 288 : 0: ssh initialized

3500 : 5852 2011- 7-21 15:31:37 382 : 0: can't read login

3500 : 5852 2011- 7-21 15:31:37 382 : 0: ssh info: Client sent truncated identifier string 'SSH-2.0-1.0'

3500 : 6076 2011- 7-21 15:31:37 413 : 0: session.exe end

Could you please help me? I can connect to ftp server using FileZilla and SSH Secure Shell.


so are you using KpyM as your FTP software? (and you are using sftp or just ftp?)

Yes, we are using KpyM as FTP software and i am using SFTP to connect. I can successfully connect to it using ftp and ftps protocols. The problem is just when i use sftp.

Thank you

I am still seeing this problem. Has anyone seen this issue before?


I am having this issue with a third party connecting to our server using a JAVA library. Has anyone identified what the issue is?


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