KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
SFTP connection problem
cannonball SFTP connection problem

I'm using KpyM on slow communication (ping around 1s) and have a problem with SFTP. I can't open a SFTP session, but terminal console works OK. Just out of curiosity I tried connecting same computer to ethernet, and I could open a SFTP session without any issues.
Tried both clients you recommend (Putty, Filezilla).

Any idea what might be wrong, how to solve this issue?

Thanks for a great Windows SSH server!

Kroum Grigorov
You can try to increase the first_packet_timeout parameter in kts.ini file(this is in miliseconds).
This is the time KTS will wait for the first SFTP packet, since your communication is slow, KTS switches to terminal session before it receives your first sftp packet.


Do I have to restart KpyM service for this change to take effect?


Kroum Grigorov
No restart needed, this will take effect for newly connected clients.


Increasing first_packet_timeout parameter solved the issue.
Thank you!



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