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F-key problem with Pathworks VT320 terminal emulator
Leigh F-key problem with Pathworks VT320 terminal emulator

I have a client that wants to use the old DEC Pathworks VT320 terminal emulator with KpyM. They already own this software.

The problem I have is this. When the user presses a function key Pathworks VT320 seems to send the escape character and the rest of the key sequence (e.g. '[17~' for F6) in separate messages. That is it first sends the escape and then, separately, sends the '[nn~'. Sometimes the keys are recognised by KpyM, and sometimes not.

Looking at the KpyM log file I can see that often this sequence is followed:

1) The escape is received. KpyM searches its key table for this and recognises it as a lone escape.

2) The '[nn~' is received. KpyM again searches its key table. Of course, the sequence is not recognised.

Is there a way to configure KpyM to cope with this situation?

FWTW I think that the ideal solution would be this: When a lone escape character is received it is not immediately processed. Instead KpyM stores the fact that it has seen an escape and starts a timer. If more data is received before the timer expires KpyM appends it to the escape and then goes through the key recognition code. If the timer expires before any more data is received the lone escape is processed as it is.


Kroum Grigorov
> Is there a way to configure KpyM to cope with this situation?
Nope. No solution with the current version.

I agree with you on the timer solution but I can not say when I will be able to implement that.



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