KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Pipe mode and keystrokes
Leigh Pipe mode and keystrokes

I have a requirement to run a OpenVMS legacy application on Windows. The code compiles and runs just fine on Windows ... except for one thing. The code is written to emit VT terminal control codes and consume VT keyboard code sequences. The program is run though a VT terminal emulator.

Because of the need to send the emitted terminal control I am using KpyM in pipe mode. This works fine for output.

I have a question about keyboard handling in pipe mode. Are the key translations encoded in utf-8.ini applied in pipe mode? I really need the keyboard character sequences generated by the terminal emulator to be passed through to the legacy program unchanged.

Thanks for your attention,

Kroum Grigorov
> I really need the keyboard character sequences generated by the terminal emulator to be passed through to the legacy program unchanged.

Nope, this will not work, KTS will interpret the character sequence and transfer this to key strokes.



Thanks for the info.

We have gone a different way. We have been able to switch back to non-pipe mode using Ansicon (l0c41:// I can thoroughly recommend that tool.


I have an issues with screen data not showing up when using the ssh version. I works with the non secure version. In the secure version i am using the alluser.bat to launch another bat file that
lauches the executable. I can see echo message fron the second batch file, but when the application loads I can not see any data.
as i mentioned above this works on the non secure version, what could be the problem. Also all the key def in the non secure version telnetd.ini can they just be cut and pasted to the kts.ini


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