KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
remote disconnect
Richard Bonomo remote disconnect
When I log in from one of our Windows systems using PuTTY, the ssh server works OK, at least allowing the log-in to go through.

When I attempt to log in from a Mac using the native ssh client, I simply get a "remote disconnect" message with no request for a password first being issued.

Here is an extract of the log:

560 : 592 2010- 9- 2 12:19:11 549 : 0: KTS connected to <windows XP workstation PuTTY>:3360

5248 : 3928 2010- 9- 2 12:19:11 799 : 0: session.exe started

5248 : 3928 2010- 9- 2 12:19:11 893 : 0: connected to <windows XP workstation PuTTY>:3360

5248 : 3928 2010- 9- 2 12:19:12 908 : 0: ssh initialized

5248 : 3928 2010- 9- 2 12:19:21 2 : 0: login accepted: [ <my user name> ]

5248 : 3272 2010- 9- 2 12:27:55 846 : 0: shell is dead

5248 : 3272 2010- 9- 2 12:27:56 846 : 0: shutdown

5248 : 5820 2010- 9- 2 12:27:56 846 : 0: session.exe end

560 : 592 2010- 9- 2 12:31: 7 80 : 0: KTS connected to <Mac OS 10 workstation native ssh>:51311

3876 : 2192 2010- 9- 2 12:31: 7 190 : 0: session.exe started

3876 : 2192 2010- 9- 2 12:31: 7 783 : 0: connected to <Mac OS 10 workstation native ssh>:51311

3876 : 2192 2010- 9- 2 12:31: 8 783 : 0: ssh initialized

3876 : 2192 2010- 9- 2 12:31: 9 627 : 0: doing publickey authentication - unknown publickey

3876 : 2192 2010- 9- 2 12:31: 9 674 : 0: login refused: [ <my user name> ] - Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

3876 : 2192 2010- 9- 2 12:31: 9 674 : 0: can't read login

3876 : 4468 2010- 9- 2 12:31: 9 690 : 0: session.exe end

560 : 592 2010- 9- 2 12:31:45 158 : 0: KTS connected to <Mac OS 10 workstation native ssh>:51313

5172 : 4944 2010- 9- 2 12:31:45 283 : 0: session.exe started

5172 : 4944 2010- 9- 2 12:31:45 362 : 0: connected to <Mac OS 10 workstation native ssh>:51313

5172 : 4944 2010- 9- 2 12:31:45 877 : 0: ssh initialized

5172 : 4944 2010- 9- 2 12:31:46 549 : 0: doing publickey authentication - unknown publickey

5172 : 4944 2010- 9- 2 12:31:46 549 : 0: login refused: [ <my user name> ] - Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

5172 : 4944 2010- 9- 2 12:31:46 549 : 0: can't read login

5172 : 3192 2010- 9- 2 12:31:46 565 : 0: session.exe end

560 : 592 2010- 9- 2 12:31:53 565 : 0: KTS connected to <Mac OS 10 workstation native ssh>:51314

5120 : 4188 2010- 9- 2 12:31:53 674 : 0: session.exe started

5120 : 4188 2010- 9- 2 12:31:53 752 : 0: connected to <Mac OS 10 workstation native ssh>:51314

5120 : 4188 2010- 9- 2 12:31:53 768 : 0: ssh initialized

5120 : 4188 2010- 9- 2 12:31:54 377 : 0: can't read login

5120 : 4188 2010- 9- 2 12:31:54 377 : 0: ssh info: Error reading client's SSH identifier string: No data was read because the remote system closed the connection (recv() == 0)

5120 : 5548 2010- 9- 2 12:31:54 377 : 0: session.exe end

560 : 592 2010- 9- 2 12:32: 6 252 : 0: KTS connected to <Mac OS 10 workstation native ssh>:51315

4796 : 5996 2010- 9- 2 12:32: 6 362 : 0: session.exe started

4796 : 5996 2010- 9- 2 12:32: 6 440 : 0: connected to <Mac OS 10 workstation native ssh>:51315

4796 : 5996 2010- 9- 2 12:32: 6 455 : 0: ssh initialized

4796 : 5996 2010- 9- 2 12:32: 7 643 : 0: doing publickey authentication - unknown publickey

4796 : 5996 2010- 9- 2 12:32: 7 658 : 0: login refused: [ <my user name> ] - Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

4796 : 5996 2010- 9- 2 12:32: 7 658 : 0: can't read login

4796 : 5872 2010- 9- 2 12:32: 7 658 : 0: session.exe end

560 : 592 2010- 9- 2 14:24:54 362 : 0: KTS connected to <Mac OS 10 workstation native ssh>:51492

4856 : 6040 2010- 9- 2 14:24:54 487 : 0: session.exe started

4856 : 6040 2010- 9- 2 14:24:54 565 : 0: connected to <Mac OS 10 workstation native ssh>:51492

4856 : 6040 2010- 9- 2 14:24:55 96 : 0: ssh initialized

4856 : 6040 2010- 9- 2 14:24:55 768 : 0: doing publickey authentication - unknown publickey

4856 : 6040 2010- 9- 2 14:24:55 783 : 0: login refused: [ <my user name> ] - Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

4856 : 6040 2010- 9- 2 14:24:55 783 : 0: can't read login

4856 : 3936 2010- 9- 2 14:24:55 799 : 0: session.exe end

Please note: despite what the log says, not user name or password is even requested.
Thank you.

Kroum Grigorov
It looks like your Mac clients by default tries to log you in with your public key and when it fails KTS gets confused.

You can try to force your client to use only "password" authentication by running it with somthing like this

ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password -l username hostname


Richard Bonomo
OK, that seems to work. Thanks!

newbie scp problem
hi master,
i'm having problem please help...

1448 : 7052 2017- 2-15 17:56:16 280 : 0: login accepted: [ Name ]

1448 : 7052 2017- 2-15 17:56:16 283 : 0: ssh info: Remote system closed last remaining SSH channel

1448 : 7052 2017- 2-15 17:56:16 283 : 0: can't read first packet

1448 : 5804 2017- 2-15 17:56:16 292 : 0: session.exe end

5696 : 6268 2017- 2-15 17:56:16 315 : 0: KTS connected to

6248 : 7020 2017- 2-15 17:56:16 418 : 0: session.exe started

6248 : 7020 2017- 2-15 17:56:16 492 : 0: connected to

6248 : 7020 2017- 2-15 17:56:16 510 : 0: ssh initialized

6248 : 7020 2017- 2-15 17:56:16 737 : 0: can't read login

6248 : 7020 2017- 2-15 17:56:16 738 : 0: ssh info: No data was read because the remote system closed the connection (recv() == 0)

6248 : 6336 2017- 2-15 17:56:16 741 : 0: session.exe end


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