KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Port Forwarding Issues
Moose Port Forwarding Issues
Hi -

Having a few problems here with simple SSH port forwarding causing sessions to end. A test connection for example, connecting from my client PC to the server and creating a port forward to the web interface of another PC will cause the connection to die almost immediately after forwarding starts to be used. Log below shows one such attempt :

492 : 6956 2010- 5-14 15:33:20 921 : 0: KTS connected to

2320 : 6484 2010- 5-14 15:33:21 31 : 0: session.exe started

2320 : 6484 2010- 5-14 15:33:21 125 : 0: connected to

2320 : 6484 2010- 5-14 15:33:22 234 : 0: ssh initialized

2320 : 6484 2010- 5-14 15:33:28 937 : 0: ssh.login.end

2320 : 6484 2010- 5-14 15:33:28 937 : 0: login accepted: [ administrator ]

2320 : 6484 2010- 5-14 15:33:54 921 : 0: begin port forward

2320 : 6484 2010- 5-14 15:33:54 921 : 0: create port forward channel 2 for

2320 : 6484 2010- 5-14 15:34: 4 156 : 0: create port forward channel 3 for

2320 : 6484 2010- 5-14 15:34: 4 171 : 0: create port forward channel 4 for

2320 : 6484 2010- 5-14 15:34: 4 187 : 0: create port forward channel 5 for

2320 : 6484 2010- 5-14 15:34: 4 187 : 0: port forward end

2320 : 5948 2010- 5-14 15:34: 4 187 : 0: session.exe end

Connecting from .156 (client) to .254 (server) which is being asked to open a forward to .05:80 (web interface).

Any ideas please? Trying to replace the clunkier CopSSH with KpyM but not having any luck so far :(

Kroum Grigorov
There's internal cryptlib(this is the SSH library used by KTS) limit that allowes no more than 4 active channels.

This is why KTS fails on the forward channel no 5.

This should be fixed in the next KTS version, I hope it will be available to download within few days.


is that cryptlib ready yet.

i got connection lost immediatly after start port forward on my system i use putty and i coulnt use portforward futhure i have no idea if its caused by cryptlib.

This is my end messages when ever my putty session die.

1-Disconnected: Received unsolicited SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE
2-Server sent disconnect message type 10 (connection lost): ""

i got mostly message 1 and some times 2.

what i tryed:
i changed max_portforward_channels to 0,4,5,15,1000,5000

with max channel 4 sometimes my session not killed immediately but its close the connection and packets not come either than session die again.

i need some clue how can i my portforward work with windows 7 if i did something wrong thanks.

Kroum Grigorov
>i got connection lost immediatly after start port forward
This looks like some incompability between KPYM and your SSH client.

Unfortunately I have no time to look at these issues right now.



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