KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Logging - what's possible?
Coyote Logging - what's possible?

we do some inventory scanning which sometimes leads to some very uncommon error... Our inhouse software says it isn't scaned at all, but the guy who used the scanner the whole time is absolutely sure he scaned it without any doubts.

So, I asked our software supplier for a direct logging of the programm which receives the scan-lines over telnet, but they aren't able to provice a 'full logging' of the session.

So, I wonder if it's directly possible by KpyM Telnet Server to do exaclty that.

Since there are such wonderful tools like ansi2gif even 'pure' vt100 or ansi 'dump' files would work for this.

Is there any way to do this? Maybe with the trace_file or the log_file option? (I guess the logfile only collects data about the status of the program, doesn't it?)

I'd really appreciate your help,

Thanks a lot in advance!



Kroum Grigorov
> So, I wonder if it's directly possible by KpyM Telnet Server to do exaclty that.

No, there are logging options but these are for tracing/debuging the internal logic of the program and you could not use these to dump the user session.

Since you are running KTS in telnet mode, you could try to find some logging proxy that could dump all the traffic going through it. Then you can redirect the traffic to your host to pass through this proxy.


do you know some kind of 'telnet-proxy'? For testing I could simply use a netcat-pipe, but since I would like to log several 'real' sesseions, a simple netcat couldn't do it properly.



Kroum Grigorov
Hm, no. I did a quick search and there are many proxy solutions available, but I can not recommend anything particular as I have never used any of them.



couldn't you name at least one or two of them? I don't know anything beside netcat and a couple of pipes...;-)



Kroum Grigorov
You can have a look at this [url=l0c41://;pageb]list[/url] :)


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