KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Sending text to client
Max Sending text to client
Using the Telnet Server, and everything's running pretty well.

I do have a question though. Is there a method where I can "dump text" to a connected client? Nothing interactive or anything, just want to send some text to a client's screen. Something along the lines of Windows's telnet server's tlntadmn -m all "My message". Doesn't have to be a command line sort of thing, is there a pipe or anything that I can send text to?


Kroum Grigorov
>is there a pipe or anything that I can send text to?
No, I was thinking of adding something like that but it's not in my current TODO list.

I think you can achieve something like this by starting a batch file at login that waits for a file to appear at a predefined path and then dumps the file on the screen
You might have a look at the "start /B" command here



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