KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Putty vs Plink
Maeffy Putty vs Plink

I have following problem:

If I connect via putty everything is ok.
If I connect via plink and load the putty session which is working, i get damn excape sequences.

Why is there a difference ?

Iam trying to connect to a Exchange 2007 Server to use Powershell.
Ive testet several SSH servers but this is the best, exept the escape sequences....

Hope someone can help me of give ma a hint...


Kroum Grigorov
> If I connect via plink and load the putty session which is working, i get damn excape sequences
This is because plink does not process the control sequences but just dumps them on the screen. This is the way plink is supposed to work.

> If I connect via putty everything is ok.
Putty is full featured telnet/ssh client and takes care of the escape sequences. These codes tell putty to set text color, background, position, ...



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