KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Can't get vi to work (wrong screen size?)
Matt Can't get vi to work (wrong screen size?)

I'm using KpyM under Parallels on OS X and connecting to it using the OS X ssh client. Everything works great, except that in vi the screen size seems to be wrong or something. When I scroll up and down I get duplicate lines and when I search for something it seems to end up displaying the text on the wrong line. When I try to scroll forward, it is using the line length for the line next to the one I am on.

Both the height/width in the KpyM setup and in my ssh client are set to 24 and 80. My TERM is set to "cygwin" for some reason, but when I change it to something more sensible like "xterm" then the arrow keys don't work at all in vi.

Any idea what is wrong?

Kroum Grigorov
>Both the height/width in the KpyM setup and in my ssh client are set to 24 and 80
Can you try to set this to 25 x 80. This is the default console size on windows.
Also can you try using the latest VIM version available here [url]l0c41://[/url](Win32 console executable)
I'm not an active VI user but this version seems to be the most stable when run inside KpyM sssion.



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