KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
compiling on vista |
sr |
compiling on vista |
Mar 13 2008 01:17 |
I'm trying to compile the kpym source on vista with visual c++ 2008 express edition.
compiling shlex gave me some issues.
In main(), I had to add the typecasts.
sei.lpFile = (LPCWSTR)argv[1];
sei.lpParameters = (LPCWSTR)argv[2];
Now get a linker warning -
shlex.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp__ShellExecuteExW@4 referenced in function _main
This seems to suggest that vista SP1 is needed.
I'm a little uncomfortable doing this just yet.
Would anyone have suggestions on how to get
past the linker error?
Kroum Grigorov |
Mar 13 2008 10:10 |
Check the shlex project link parameters.
It should link towards shell32.lib to resolve ShellExecuteExW
mnjrupp |
ShellExecuteExW@4 |
May 25 2008 06:01 |
I was getting the same linker error under VC++ express 2005 running on server 2003.
I had shell32.lib listed under linker parameters,but the box "Inherit from parent or project defaults" is not checked by default.
I checked it and the linker error went away.
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