KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Configuration required to connect to SAPConsole
SKB Configuration required to connect to SAPConsole
I have installed the KPYM Telnet server.
I have configured SAPConsole administrator as well.
Now how to connect these two.
I tried conneting from a telnet client and it takes me to a directory and do not start the application as I intended.
Am i doing anything wrong?
I was expecting teh transaction that i had configured in SAPConsole administrator to appear but it didnt.

please help me out

Kroum Grigorov
When connected try starting manually your SAP Console by typing "sapcnsl.exe"
If it works for you you can later configure KTS to start it automatically when user connects by adding "sapcnsl.exe" in "C:\Program Files\KTS\scripts\allusers.bat" file


I want to ask about adding "sapcnsl.exe" in "C:\Program Files\KTS\scripts\allusers.bat".
Can i get an example script ?


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