KpyM Telnet/SSH Server - Forum
Session process consume many resources
JDPC Session process consume many resources
We are evaluating KTS telnet server and we have detected that the processes "session" consume many resources, up to 128 Mb.

It is a bug? it has solution?

Maquina of test:
- Windows XP SP2
- Pentium 4 Dual Core 3,1MHz
- 2Gb Ram

- Windows XP SP2 & Terminal Symbol

We have compiled the project KTS without changes with VC 2005 Enterprise Developer

Excuses by my badly English. Congratulations by the project.

JDPC. Spain. BCN

Kroum Grigorov

Check if you were not hit by the "VS2005 stringstream memory leak bug"

You can read more in these topics



Solved problem.

We have updated VS2005 with the SP1 and re-compiled the project. Now the processes "session" consume 4Mb of average.

Thanks for everything


Johan temper it further
to temper the cpu usage further, download the demo from Georgia softworks server, and use the DOSBOSS utility in there..


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